【同义词辨析】 2019-01-14 引出educe-extort
educe: implies the development and bringing out of something potential or latent: ~ from common sense the best solution to the problem. (to bring out: 1出版书籍生产产品to produce or put on sale,如a journalist all his life, he's now brought out a book他当了一辈子新闻记者,现在出了一本书。2使人展现出不常展现的to cause someone to show,如he is totally dedicated and brings out the best in his pupils他全心投入,激发学生的潜能) latent潜在的,potential潜在并很有可能实现的
evoke: implies a strong stimulus that arouses an emotion or an interest or recalls an image or memory from the past: a song that ~s many memories.
elicit: implies some effort or skill in drawing forth a response and often implies resistance in the object of effort: unable to ~ a straight answer from the candidate.
extract: implies the use of force or pressure in obtaining answers or information: ~ testimony from a hostile witness. (除表示强行获取外,extract还表示提炼或摘录,如to extract essential oils from plants从植物中提取香精油,the following extract is taken from her new novel下面一段摘自她的新小说)
extort: suggests a wringing or wresting of something from one who resists strongly: ~ed the money from his father-in-law. (除本例表示强行获取外,wring基本意思是拧to twist with force, 如I wrung the towel and hung it up to dry我拧干毛巾挂着晾干,词组to wring one's hands由于紧张焦虑拧双手,如she was wringing her hands and pacing back and forth她紧张地紧拧双手来回走,to wring one's neck拧断脖子,形容非常生某人的气,如I still love you even though I'd like to wring your neck虽然我想掐死你,但我还是爱你的) (wrest抢夺,to obtain forcibly or violently, 如to wrest the knife from his hands从他手里把刀抢过来)
educe教育推导: 指发展或展现潜在的事物,evoke激发唤起: 指强烈的刺激去激发情感兴趣或唤起影像记忆,elicit诱导: 指费力地想方设法地克服阻力、获取答案,extract提取: 使用强力压力获取,extort敲诈: 从强烈抵抗的人处强行获得
记忆方法: 1)首字母5E五眼联盟<==引出情报
2)引出的意思是将隐藏潜在预留的事物引发出来mean to draw out something hidden, latent, or reserved.